A story from a birthmother who stayed at The Willows in 1946:

"I remember the long, long stairs from the street up to The Willows and I was scared to death. We filled out a lot of papers as to name, age, religion, the boy's name, etc., and I presume the folks paid for things, I don't remember."

"I shared a large room with 3 other girls on the northwest corner on the first floor. A month after I arrived, I celebrated my 17th birthday, but there was one girl there who was as young as 14 or 15. It was terribly lonely away from home and all of my family and friends."

"We had a physical when we went in The Willows and were checked and questioned about our health. There was a regular routine as to meals, chore time, etc. We had to keep our rooms clean and our laundry done. Some of the girls had jobs like in the laundry, or kitchen, and a few priveledged ones worked in the offices. I say priveledged because they got to see people from the outside world. We were not allowed to leave the grounds, unless family came."

"We had a store at The Willows where we could get toothpaste, stationary, pens, paper, etc. We learned to play a lot of solitaire. I read a lot and it seems there must have been some sort of library."

"I can remember laying in bed and watching the streetcars. We could see a small strip of Main Street and the lights from downtown."

"There was a delivery room there in the building but if you had any trouble, they rushed you to the regular hospital. There must have been a nursery there as I got to see my baby, but he was brought to my room. He was about 3 to 5 days old, and I never saw him again. I don't see now how I did it. I just had to console myself with the fact that I couldn't support him and my folks wouldn't have. I didn't want to displease my folks or I felt they wouldn't love me anymore."